Which Should I Do First: Meditation or Exercise?

By now you likely know you should be meditating. If you aren’t convinced yet, please watch our 2 minute video on the benefits of meditation!

And we all know that we should also exercise every day!

But how are you supposed to fit them both into your schedule (especially if you have kids and a job)?

Isn't it a little selfish to be doing both every day?

Well, no. It's not selfish. In fact, it's the least selfish thing you can do.

The people around you don't want you weak, stressed and tired. They want you happy, healthy and strong.

Here's the thing: if you're meditating and exercising everyday, your life is going to be amazing. Period. You're going to be burning off new stresses with exercise AND giving your body deep rest to work through the backlog of old stress with meditation.

With the intensity of life right now, prioritizing meditation and exercise can help you create joy which we all need to handle our demands with more ease.

I made a video to share the nitty-gritty on how to best schedule exercise and meditation into your day in a way that doesn't make it feel like wellness is your full time job. 

If you've ever asked the question, "what comes first: meditation or exercise?" you are about to find out.

The big takeaway? It's not selfish for you to make time for yourself. I'd argue it's the opposite. You cannot pour from an empty cup.


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